Tag Archive: pilot valvce repair

Sandpiper’s 5 Minute Pilot Valve Repair

Posted on by Sara Springer

Typically, a maintenance and repair department will often spend over an hour replacing O-rings on a pilot valve on an AODD pump. Now thanks to Sandpiper®, users can quickly swap out these parts with their ESADS+® (external serviceable air distribution system).  

Housed Externally, the ESADS+® requires minimal effort. Simply remove 4 bolts to access and replace the O-rings, that is it. This process takes about 5 minutes to complete. Another significant feature of the ESADS+® is alleviating the need to empty your pump of materials, reducing product loss, and eliminating the need to uninstall your pump from your operating system. 

Time is money, save yourself some by installing an ESADS+® on your AODD pump today. To learn more about Sandpiper’s products to request a quote, please contact the team at SPRINGER PUMPS® today. 

Think Pumps. Think Springer.